Here goes nothing! Finally we’ve got busy with the rebuild of our site. It’s been a number of years since we last did any major overhauls and the old site served us quite well. But, time marches forward inexorably, new capabilities for websites have been established, new features become standardised and old sites are just not able to hack it anymore.
For this latest iteration of our ecommerce site, we’ve polished our look, upgraded all our features, added content, added products, but best of all we’ve added a whole raft of new capabilities for our trade customer. At the same time we’ve polished up our images allowing for more detailed product photos enabling our customers to check out the finer details on our products.
Our trade customers may immediately place orders online at their special pricing! Click here to apply.
Also, our clients may find our image library useful to allow self serve downloads for their own websites. We’ll be adding every single product over the next few months, as time allows. Initially, we are offering this service on our most popular lines.
Our new trade order form is a real game changer, with a very fast interface that is AJAX powered, meaning that you won’t have the annoying delay after adding each item to your basket. This is proper hi tech stuff! We’re super proud of this new system.
There’s so much graft gone into the site, we hope you love it! If you find something borked just give us a quick heads up. There are so many moving parts, we do expect a few teething problems at least initially.