Skiman Sidewall Sharp sidewall remover


Skiman Sidewall Sharp

SKU: SM3004 Category: Tags: , , , , , , , Brand:


The Skiman Sidewall Sharp is a very useful tool for shaving back the plastic sidewall of skis. This band of material is right alongside the metal ski edge and prevents the file from correctly cutting into the edge. To allow the files to cut correctly this plastic must be carefully pared away using a sidewall remover or stripper.

The Sidewall Sharp has several options to accurately control and adjust the cutting blade.Using these you can easily set the tool for removing the correct level of material. You should only remove the minimum required to allow the side edge to be correctly sharpened and work in gentle passes. Attempting to cut excessively deep will result in tool judder and probable ski damage. As with all base operations, best practise is to work from tip towards tail of the ski, always using long smooth cutting strokes.  Can be adjusted for right or left hand use. Optional square blades are available.

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